A snow storm . . .
On the other hand . . .
A tallit-and-tefillin-wearing woman in a traditional Conservative synagogue?! An unorthodox—and non-orthodox—perspective on Jews and Judaism from a perpetual misfit. This blog, welcoming the entire Jewish community, is dedicated to those who take Judaism seriously, but not necessarily literally.
posted by Shira Salamone at 7:51 AM
Once upon a time, I belonged to a left-wing egalitarian Conservative synagogue, where I was one of a number of women who wore a tallit—and one of the few members who used an Orthodox prayer book (adding the Mothers, of course). Having moved since then, I now belong to a right-wing traditional Conservative synagogue, where I’m almost always the only woman wearing a tallit—and one of the few members who adds the Mothers. I seem destined to be forever . . . on the fringe.
We had two feet of snow here. Thank G-d the power didn't go off.
And, for the first time in ten winters a neighbor actually took pity on us and used his snowblower to plow our steep driveway so we could actually get our car out!
Trust me, this was a miracle!
One of the major advantages of apartment living is that you never have to shovel snow (or mow the lawn).
On the other hand, when you want to invite guests but there's no room . . .
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